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Bergia Rhubarb Liqueur 16% 700ml

Bergia Rhubarb Liqueur 16% 700ml

  • Imported from Italy.

  • Rabarbaro Bergia was one of the flagship liqueurs of the Bergia distillery, founded in Turin in 1870.

  • The Rhubarb of the Bergia liqueur is born from the skillful union of carefully selected rhubarb roots and aromatic herbs with bittering properties. It is the result of a traditional process that requires up to 12 months of processing.

  • The Rhubarb of the Bergia liqueur is dark amber in color, with a strong smell of caramel and the bitter flavor characteristic of rhubarb.

  • It can be eaten dry or with ice cubes, as a digestive or aperitif. Rabarbaro Bergia contains rhubarb petioles, but also an infusion of the rhizomes of the plant and essential oils. 

  • Excellent aperitif, it can be sipped straight or used in the mixing of refined cocktails.

  • Available in §700ml x 6 glass bottle.

  • Alcohol content: 16%

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