Brancamenta Mint Bitter 28% 700ml
- Imported from Italy.
- The origins lie not with a canny marketter, but a famous Italian singer. The famous diva drunk her Fernet-Branca with mint and being a fashion icon, so did many of her devoted fans.
- Brancamenta was created in 1965, when fashionistas began asking for a glass of Fernet-Branca with a hint of mint syrup and was an overnight success.
- Over 27 herbs and spices are used with addition of peppermint.
- “Hot” in the spirit and “COOL” in the mint. The mint ingredient is fresh and it’s sourced uniquely from Piedmont
- Likes the original Fernet-Branca, it undergoes a 12 months maturation period in Slovenian oak vats.
- 700ml x 6 bottles