Luxardo Apricot Alibicocca Liqueur 30% 700ml
- Imported from Italy.
- It is a liqueur obtained by the infusion of apricots in pure alcohol aged in oak casks.
- Luxardo Apricot won the first price during a competition for a new and most innovative Italian liqueur, held in Rome in 1935.
- Great served in several classic cocktails such as Amber Twist, Apricot Cooler, Bossa Nova, Claridge, Golden Screw, Paradise, Resolute, Valencia.
- In March 2014, Luxardo Apricot liqueur won The Ultimate Spirits Challenge tasting which was held in New York, USA by the spirits industry's most renowned judges, which include award-winning authors, spirits buyers, journalists, educators, bar owners and consultants.
- 700ml x 6 bottles